Friday, November 2, 2012

God is a Bullet, Have Mercy on us Everyone

                I adore firearms. I take great delight in the craftsmanship and artistry in a well-made pistol or rifle. There is nothing more perfect than understanding a weapon so completely that one strikes their target true every time. That being said, I believe this country’s gun control laws are way too lax. Gun ownership is not a “right”, it is a responsibility.
                When I hold a firearm, it is always in my mind that I am taking my life and the lives of those around me in my hands. Any mistake could be lethal. Proper training and exposure are essential in ensuring that people have the proper respect for firearms. Many Americans who have grown up around guns and have been properly exposed to them feel this way as well. That being said, the vast majority of people who own a gun will end up injuring or killing themselves due to improper training and handling.
                A gun is not a toy. The media and entertainment industries, however, glamorize firearms to the point where the gravity of hurting or killing another human being is completely removed. When you shoot someone in a video game, there are no consequences. You don’t go to jail, you don’t have to watch the light fade from someone’s eyes, and you don’t have to witness the toll it takes on that person’s loved ones.
                According to federal law, as long as you are a United States citizen, over 21, and can pass a criminal background check, you can acquire a handgun. Federal law does not require safety training or psychological examinations. This is egregious. Safety training should be required for anyone wishing to own a firearm, as improper use can result in injury or death. Since the only purpose of a firearm is to hurt or kill another living thing, it makes absolute sense that a psychological examination should be required in order to obtain one. At the very least, mandatory safety training would increase knowledge and would make it more apparent to people that owning firearms is a serious responsibility.
                Guns are unnecessary for ordinary citizens to have. Many other countries do not allow their citizens to have firearms and their murder rates are far below those of the United States. Approximately 30,000 people are injured each year due to firearms. The firearm-related homicide rates in America blow away the firearm homicide rates of every other high-income country. How can we honestly claim to be the “greatest country in the world” when we can’t even get a handle on firearm injury and mortality rates?
                As much as the federal government seems to adore pushing responsibility to the states, I believe it is their duty to regulate all dangerous items and substances. This includes firearms. The individuals in Congress need to get their heads on straight and re-evaluate their priorities so they better align with what will be beneficial to this country and its citizens. Many Americans feel that guns are “a way of life”, but this couldn't be further from the truth. In fact, they are a means to a rather messy end.

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed the editorial published by Rachel M Edwards, “God is a Bullet, Have Mercy on us Everyone.” She believes owning a gun “is not a “right”, it is a responsibility,” and I couldn’t agree any less. I think she did a good job by pointing out her own connection to the subject of guns, but still making a great judgment call of many people being ignorant of the actual responsibility to own a gun. It is good that she compared it to video games because there are so many scenarios where people are trying to imitate what they play on video games. Kids are also playing these very intense games that are no big deal or fun to them on screen, so that is the way they think it is in reality. She had good structure in her writing with the first couple of paragraphs explaining what a firearm is to her on a personal level and then she goes on to make her stance on the subject and its relevance to our nation. Then she has facts and details to back up her opinions and at the end summarizes her opinion once again and why guns should be monitored more. I would say maybe a little more facts on some other issues of gun laws and a little less opinion. It is a writing of your opinion on a topic, but the more you are able to back up your idea the more your opinion is valued. Overall great layout and reasoned opinions!
